Feb 28, 2011

Different Styles of Swimming Pools

Summer is about to come soon and it would be nice if you will have a stylish swimming pool at home if ever you choose to organize a summer party. If you are still on the planning stage of establishing your own pool, there is a wide array of shapes to choose from for you. Here are some:
  • Play Pool – this type of swimming pool is not deeper than 5 feet. Best for playing volley ball and other water sports. This design is built for cooling off and relaxing.
  • Freeform Pool – this pool is a lagoon style pool or close to a natural body of water. It is usually composed of rock features and is built to mimic an oasis. This type of pool is very popular in Phoenix area and throughout the country for many years now.
  • Diving Pool – these type of pools are generally about 8 ½ feet deep with a diving board or platform. This pool can be a real safety hazard, and should only be built to NSPI and ANSI standards.

      There are a lot of styles to choose from. These are just some of them, just to spill the bean, there are more than 7 styles and can be combined if you wish to. It would depend on whichever type you like and will be needing your skills in designing.


      1. Thank you so much for sharing this post with us. I really like your idea of sharing the different styles of swimming pools. Keep sharing.

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      2. Great article to give perspective on styles available in the marketplace. Additionally it's worth also considering the material of the pool surface (concrete, fibreglass or vinyl) as these can drastically affect the suitability of the pool for its associated environment and user/s.

      3. Homeowners should take full advantage of their pool renovations by upgrading certain aspects of their swimming pool and outdoor living space. Visually, natural stone coping and decking, as well as color LED and fiber optic pool lights, create beautiful scenes that show off in exciting ways. Rundpools
